Thursday, January 23rd 2020, 7:02 pm
Our state's two U.S. Senators aren't the only Oklahomans sitting in on the impeachment trial and witnessing history. A professor and student from East Central University made the Senate gallery their classroom.
Once it became clear that the trial was going to happen, Senator James Lankford's office reached out to educators across the state. He offered educators an opportunity to see something few Americans ever will.
It was a big moment Thursday morning for East Central University political science professor Christine Pappas. The ticket giving her and two students access to the Senate gallery was in hand.
She has Senator Lankford to thank for making the ticket available, giving her the chance to observe firsthand a process she teaches each semester in her American government class.
"I mean, that's really what I'm interested in, as a political science professor," Christine Pappas said. "Not necessarily the outcome, but how does the process work for our country."
That's also what interests her students.
Senior Makayla Lott jumped at the chance to come. It's her first time in Washington, and just the third time in the nation's history there's been an impeachment trial.
No one knows how long the trial will last, but it may not be too late to contact the senator - or the office of any other Oklahoma member - about getting a coveted pass.
January 23rd, 2020
February 8th, 2025
February 8th, 2025
February 8th, 2025
February 8th, 2025
February 8th, 2025