Monday, August 20th 2012, 10:14 pm
Assault and battery calls are on the rise but police aren't the only ones in danger, paramedics are also at risk.
Many times EMSA techs are caught in the cross fire. Emergency responders are to help out emotional or sick people who lash out.
"Individuals with altered medical statuses from any number of medical conditions post seizure intoxication or drugs or mind altering substances," said Roy Colin of EMSA." People have a mean spirit and mal intent to do harm."
Yet lately, paramedics have to combat deliberate aggressive patients in the back of their cabs.
"You try and explain to them your job is to make sure their health is in our foremost mind, that's what we are thinking about is their health and we are there to help," he said.
While Oklahomans may be glad for 90 degree temperatures, EMSA is still busy with heat and assault calls.
"We are trained for it we knew it we are prepared for it - we may not know when the attack is coming but we certainly expect it," Roy said.
For most, anything over 80 degrees is considered uncomfortable heat, so naturally the medics are happy temperatures have dropped. EMSA said they have reports of a medics assaulted two to three times per month.
August 20th, 2012
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
January 24th, 2025
January 24th, 2025
January 24th, 2025
January 24th, 2025