Friday, August 30th 2019, 9:16 am
Thousands of signatures rolled into the Secretary of State's office Thursday in an attempt to block the law that will allow most Oklahomans to carry a firearm.
This law was originally passed by state legislature earlier this year, but the petition aims to put it to a vote of the people instead.
Right now, it's not clear if the petition reached its goal of nearly 60,000 signatures by Thursday's deadline.
But the Oklahoma Secretary of State confirms they won't even begin counting the signatures until the Oklahoma Supreme Court weighs in.
A second-amendment advocacy group, OK2A, claims the signatures were gathered improperly and the petition is misleading.
The President of OK2A, Don Spencer, said "It states it could carry on a college campus, which is completely inaccurate, which is the opposite of what the bill says."
Senator Jason Lowe said he started collecting signatures two weeks ago.
"This has not been about if we are taking away someone's guns, or anything like that. What this was about was the right to vote. We want the people in the state of Oklahoma to make this decision" said Senator Lowe.
OK2A said they are optimistic the law will still go into effect on November 1.
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