Friday, March 28th 2014, 10:54 pm
The Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation is investigating after money disappeared from a Green Country youth sports program.
A woman with Grove Youth Sports is accused of embezzlement. We don't know how much was taken, just that young athletes will pay the price.
It's only preseason, and Grove Youth Sports is being thrown a curve ball. Allegations of embezzlement in the football and baseball programs has the town tight-lipped.
The man representing the accused woman, a volunteer on the Grove Youth Sports board, said she warned the board about missing money. But the Delaware County assistant district attorney said her cohorts turned her in, asking for an investigation.
"It's surprising, but at the same time it happens," said Indian Nation Youth Sports Commissioner Tom Lott.
Lott said in his 30 years he's seen countless dollars taken from young athletes by unmonitored volunteers.
"It's very discouraging. However, I'm also aware it will probably not stop. When people turn their head, there are people who will take advantage of it," Lott said.
Now the focus shifts from running the bases, to running the numbers.
The assistant District Attorney said his office gave OSBI the case because Grove is a small town and now, an unbiased outsider can review the allegations.
March 28th, 2014
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