Wednesday, June 15th 2011, 9:15 am
FORT GIBSON LAKE, Oklahoma -- The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are reminding boaters on Fort Gibson Lake to use caution due to lower than normal lake levels.
The Corps says the lake is about one foot below normal and will be kept at that level for the next one to two years.
The reason, to allow contractor's to continue work on the flood gates at the Fort Gibson Dam.
"Recent rains have caused the lake to be above normal," said Tom Heathcock, Fort Gibson Lake manager. "Now that we've returned to below normal conditions, we want to remind boaters to use caution while enjoying the lake."
The target level is about one foot below normal, but there may be times when the water level on the lake may be lower.
Boaters should take precautions while launching their boats and slow down while boating since numerous underwater hazards may cause damage to their boats and motors.
"The lake surface may look the same because a one foot drop in elevation around the shoreline doesn't appear to be much, however, for Fort Gibson Lake, this change in elevation limits the safe areas to launch your boat and operate, said Heathcock. "Park rangers continue to monitor the conditions of boat ramps and have placed barricades on ramps that are unsafe."
For more information about current lake levels, visit the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tulsa District homepage, or call the Fort Gibson Lake office at 918-682-4314.
June 15th, 2011
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