Friday, May 8th 2009, 5:11 pm
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Summary of Funding Information as of 5/7/2009
Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant:
Amount available to City of Tulsa - $3,883,500
Application Due: June 25, 2009
Community Development Block Grant:
Amount available to City of Tulsa - $989,720
These funds will go through the same process as other CDBG funding and will be allocated based on the community needs and the ability to expend the funding speedily.
Application Due: June 25, 2009 - Guidance was released yesterday (5/6/09)
Workforce Investment Act monies awarded to Workforce Tulsa:
Workforce Tulsa was awarded, $560,282 for Dislocated Workers Programs which will be spent in existing programs, $456,970 for Adult Programs which will be spent in existing programs and $1,071,438 for Summer Youth Programs which will be spent over two summers in newly created programs.
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
Metropolitan Tulsa Transit Authority: Transit Formula Grant
Amount available to Tulsa Transit - $8,853,448
The stimulus package provides funding for transit capital assistance. The MTTA Board will meet on May 13, 2009 to finalize list of projects. Letter per Section 1511 of guidelines is being prepared for the Mayor's signature upon receipt of approved projects.
Application Due: July 1, 2009
Tulsa Police Department - Byrne Jag Grant
Amount available to City of Tulsa - $2,789,831
The City of Tulsa, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Owasso, Sand Springs, Skiatook and Tulsa County must coordinate efforts and submit one joint application for this grant. The total amount of the application is $3,136,933, with the City's portion being $2,789,831. As a result, the City of Tulsa will "pass through" funds to the other cities through a Memorandum of Understanding. The funds will be used for various crime prevention and law enforcement projects. There is no required match for this grant.
Application Due: May 18, 2009 (to be on the Mayor's 05-11-09 agenda & City Council agenda on 5-12-09)
Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
Amount available to City of Tulsa - $1,513,504
Provides funds to prevent individuals/families from becoming homeless and helps individuals/families who are homeless to quickly find housing and become stabilized.
Application Due: May 18, 2009 (will be on Council's agenda for 1st reading and public comment 05-07-09)
Tulsa Police Department
Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Summary:
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
Point Person: Daryl Webster
The Tulsa Police Department has many sworn personnel performing functions that can be more efficiently undertaken by civilians. This includes areas such as technology, training, equipment and the property room. To implement the program, The Tulsa Police Department would undertake a process of converting 39 sworn positions to 39 civilian positions. The total project cost is $3,372,648. The grant would pay the salaries and benefits of the civilians. This is a two year grant. There is no cash match required.
The goals of the Community Intervention Center are: 1) to reduce the amount of time police officers spend with juvenile offenders so they can return to their patrol to protect the public; and 2) to get offenders needed help to reduce delinquency. The City of Tulsa will provide oversight of the project. The City of Tulsa will subcontract the coordination of the project to Youth Services of Tulsa. Youth Services of Tulsa will coordinate services with all local law enforcement agencies in Tulsa County, including the Tulsa Police Department. The total project cost is $1,331,332. There is no cash match required.
The goal of the DNA Efficiency Program is to provide forensic expertise through DNA analysis to multiple agencies while increasing the amount of evidence processes in a shorter amount of time. This program would expedite forensic DNA testing for prosecution cases, reduce the turnaround time needed to get investigative information to law enforcement, and generate more CODIS entries from evidence samples to search against the State and National Database. The total project cost is $281,969.20. There is no cash match required.
The Byrne Competitive Program provides assistance to victims of crime and provides programs and efforts such as training and technical assistance to address the needs of the local justice system and the community. Tulsa Police Department recognizes the need to properly document, report, and successfully prosecute cases. The goal of the Forensic Nursing Program will be to provide medical examination documentation to law enforcement. The total project cost is $279,886. There is no cash match required.
The goal of the Glass Analysis Improved Service Program is to provide forensic expertise through Glass Evidence to multiple agencies in Oklahoma while increasing the efficiency of the Glass Evidence analysis process. The Glass analysis process can become more efficient by increasing the amount of evidence processed in a shorter amount of time. This program would expedite glass analysis of evidence in a more timely manner and shorten the turnaround time needed to get investigative information for law enforcement investigators. The total project cost is $70,598.27. There is no cash match required.
The goal of the grant application is fund the procurement, staffing, installation, implementation, and operation of the components of a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) for the tracking, documentation, analysis, and review of evidence in the Tulsa Police Department Forensic Laboratory. The program includes personnel, software, hardware, training, and installation of an ASCLD/LAB compliant LIMS system including modules for the evaluation and maintenance of Quality Assurance/ Control of an accredited forensic laboratory. The total project cost is $304,323.60. There is no cash match required.
The goal of the Trace Evidence Improved Service Program is to provide forensic expertise through Trace Evidence to multiple agencies while increasing the amount of the Trace Evidence process. The Trace analysis process can become more efficient by increasing the amount of evidence processes in a shorter amount of time. This program would expedite trace analysis of evidence in a more timely manner and shorten the turnaround time needed to get investigative information for law enforcement investigators. The total project cost is $230,544. There is no cash match required.
Community Oriented Police Services (COPS) Competitive Grant:
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
The COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) covers 100% of the approved entry-level salary and fringe benefits of each newly hired sworn law enforcement officer over three years. There is no local match or cap on the amount that can be requested. The hiring of officers under CHRP must be in addition to, and not in lieu of, officers who otherwise would have been hired with local funds. COPS funded positions must be retained for at least one year after the grant has ended.
Tulsa Fire Department: FEMA Fire Assistance Grants
The stimulus bill included $210 million available from the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG). The funding will be distributed through competitive grants, however no grant can exceed $15 million. There are no local matching requirements
Application Due: TBD
Additional funding to supplement local tax revenue funding for construction of Classroom Building on TCC property for a Fire Training props or practice field. Total Construction Cost-$21,732,000
The Tulsa Fire Department has completed a project list of fire stations that need upgrading, modifying, or the construction of new stations.
Equipment Management Department
This competitive grant is available for projects that can be commenced quickly, reduce diesel emissions, and maximize job preservation and/or creation and promote economic recovery through a variety of diesel emission reduction strategies.
Grant amount - $517,942 - Applicant amount: $1,470,650 = Total $1,988,692
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
CNG refueling stations at the East and West yards.
Grant amount - $300,000 - match required
Application Date: Completed
Award Due Date: TBD
Information Technology Department - Broadband Grant
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's Broadband Initiative allows two entities to distribute broadband funding: the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) program and the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA). If awarded, the Information Technology Department will use funding to expand the existing downtown underground conduit system to North and West Tulsa. This project will provide broadband infrastructure to meet the needs of the unserved and underserved areas of Tulsa and surrounding communities. In addition, this will create an infrastructure that will provide a safe and secure network for education, health business and government agencies.
Guidance Due: June 1, 2009
Application Due: TBD
MTTA - Energy Grant
To increase energy efficiency and reduce energy costs and consumption for consumers, businesses and government; reduce reliance on imported energy; improve the reliability of electricity and fuel supply and the delivery of energy services; and reduce the impacts of energy production and use on the environment. The state will award through the Department of Commerce. Applied for $8.9 million.
Application completed
Award Date: TBD
Intermodal - Port of Catoosa:
$1.5 billion has been made available for competitive grants for surface transportation infrastructure capital improvements. The language includes port infrastructure investments, including those that connect ports to other modes of transportation and improvement efficiency of freight movement. The language of the bill fits well with plans for an intermodal at the Port of Catoosa. The funding for these grants is 100% federal share which indicated the entire project could be funded from the grant.
Application Date: TBD
Airport - Aviation Explosive Detection Systems
Information pending
Application completed
The State of Oklahoma has received ARRA funding that will be used for projects in the City of Tulsa.
Public Works - Street projects
Tulsa was awarded $15.788 million through INCOG for partial funding of 9 street projects. This award represents 70% of the total funds available, which is the maximum any one community can receive as set forth in the Urbanized STP policy. The City will use 2005 bond funds for approximately $4.8 million of water utility improvements and $0.6 million of wastewater utility improvements associated with these projects.
Arterial Street Maintenance, Mohawk Blvd (Cincinnati to Hartford) | $1,910,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, Yale Ave (Admiral Pl to Pine St) | $1,615,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, SW Blvd (23rd St to Arkansas Bridge) | $2,033,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, Roundabout (Mingo Rd & Admiral Pl) | $1,170,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, (31st Street S from 129th E Ave to 145th E Ave) | $1,580,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, (Harvard Ave from 11th St to Admiral Pl) | $2,127,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, Sheridan Rd (11th St to Admiral Blvd) | $1,875,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, (S Sheridan from 11th to 21st St) | $2,960,000 |
Arterial Street Maintenance, East 41st Street South from I-44 to Sheridan Road | $518,428 |
Funding Awarded
Public Works - Wastewater projects
The State of Oklahoma will award approximately $31 million to communities in a combination of 80% loan and 20% grant, with a $2 million cap on individual grants. The City of Tulsa will receive a total of $8.375 million, of which the loaned amount will be $6.7 million and the grant $1.675 million. The City of Tulsa will use this money for anaerobic digesters at the Northside Treatment Plant and for odor control at the Southside Treatment Plant.
Northside Wastewater Treatment Plant - anaerobic digesters | $5,300,000 |
Southside Wastewater Treatment Plant - odor control | $3,075,000 |
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
Public Works - Water
State awards to communities will be in a 70/30 loan/grant combination. The City of Tulsa applied for $6.67 million to be used for replacement of 2-inch water lines.
Application completed
Award Due Date: TBD
Oklahoma Department of Transportation
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation is planning to spend approximately $67 million of ARRA funding for improvements to the inner-dispersal loop in the downtown Tulsa area.
Tulsa Housing Authority
The State of Oklahoma has an allocation of $5.3 million available to Tulsa Housing Authority for capital spending related to public housing. The application includes:
Application Date Deadline: September 30, 2009
Corp of Engineers - Joe Creek Habitat Restoration Project
The City of Tulsa will benefit from a $6.4 million U.S. Corps of Engineers project to restore a channelized portion of Joe Creek between 61st Street and the Arkansas River to a more natural state, and allow efficient floodwater drainage. The Corps will oversee work designed with the City's approval and will pay $4.8 million of the cost. The City's share is $1.6 milion, the majority of which will come from the 2005 bond issue, including a $365,000 credit the City will receive because it owns the land on which the project will be built.
May 8th, 2009
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
December 14th, 2024
December 14th, 2024
December 14th, 2024
December 14th, 2024