Friday, August 15th 2008, 12:01 pm
OKLAHOMA CITY-- Parents said they are facing fashion shock during back to school shopping when they see how skimpy clothes have become.
Parents said today's fashions are too sexy for school and many styles are too revealing for young teens.
Barbara Carmack is a mother and grandmother who has seen fashions come and go. She said 50 % off shouldn't mean you get 50 % of the clothing.
"It makes me furious as a mom," said Carmack.
Carmack said it's not the fashions, but seeing them on girls as young as 14, 13 or 12-years-old.
"I am appalled that parents let their kids wear the things they do. That's wrong," Carmack said.
Family counselor Steve Landman said parents don't always know what their teens are wearing.
"One teen told me she changes her clothes in the bathroom when she gets to school," Landman said.
The counselor said kids are inundated with sexy imagery on the Internet, in music videos and in advertisements.
Teens think that is the norm and try to emulate what they see.
Another reason that explains teens' behavior is rebellion.
"It's fairly common for teens to try and see what happens if I wear these clothes or buy this outfit what mom and dad will do," Landman explains.
He said the best thing you can do is set limits and have consequences for breaking those limits.
Jennifer Pierce, NEWS 9
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