Friday, March 19th 2021, 9:45 pm
Editor's Note: This program is from the Salvation Army of Tulsa, not the Salvation Army of Central Oklahoma.
As more Americans start to receive the third round of stimulus checks, there are many eligible people who have yet to get their first payment, including those experiencing homelessness.
The stimulus money can make a huge difference to those experiencing homelessness, even if they need to jump through a few more hoops to get it.
This is going to sound simple, but to get a stimulus check, you just need to file your taxes so the IRS has your information. But what if you don't have a permanent address to give the IRS? What if you don't make enough money to file or haven't filed in a couple years?
Major Mark Harwell, the Salvation Army Area Commander, said his team of case workers at the Center of Hope is helping the homeless get over those initial hurdles.
"We're easily able to go to to be able to start the wheels turning for either the application process or to check on that," Harwell said. "We have been helpful to some already who've just needed a little bit of help, a little nudge to apply for those funds."
President of Walter Tax Service David Walter said the stimulus payments have led to a boom in filings.
"There are many people this year that are filing tax returns that normally would not file because their income was so low that they weren't required to," Walter said.
Unlike last year, there's no special forms to file.
"If you haven't filed your tax returns in a couple years you just need to file your 2020 tax return. And you need a good address where the IRS can send you a letter," Walter said.
The Salvation Army steps in here again, allowing individuals to use the Center of Hope as their address for the IRS. When either an IRS-issued debit card or physical check gets there, Harwell said it can set in motion lasting change.
"The funding that's received could again really make a huge impact for them by meeting a critical need that moves them much closer to permanent housing," Harwell said.
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