How Loud Noise Is Damaging Our Ears: An Alert From Hough Institute

More than 600,000 Oklahomans are believed to be living with tinnitus. The consequences of severe tinnitus can be devastating.

Wednesday, December 13th 2023, 11:54 am

By: News 9

The Hough Ear Institute right here in Oklahoma City is sounding the alarm about hearing loss and tinnitus, the ringing noise some people have in one or both of their ears.

Great hearing is something many may take for granted, but the hundreds of thousands of Oklahomans living with tinnitus know just how debilitating it can be. 

“We think about extreme cases like rock concerts or sporting events where the decibel levels are 120 decibels. That is really damaging levels of noise exposure without any protection,” Mattew West, CEO of Hough Ear Institute, said.

But West with the Hough Ear Institute says even everyday activities can put you at risk. 

“Every time you are in a noisy environment where you are above the safe threshold, [...] you are putting yourself at risk for tinnitus,” West said. “70 is considered safe, 85 is considered the upper threshold. So any time you are above that level, you are putting yourself at risk for tinnitus.”

West’s goal is to spread awareness of dangerous sound levels and help people protect their hearing.

“We don’t want to suggest you change your lifestyle, it is just about being conscientious about what level you have your sound at,” West said. “Making sure your noise level is in a range where you are not going to lose your hearing down the line.”

More than 600,000 Oklahomans are believed to be living with tinnitus. The consequences of severe tinnitus can be devastating.

“Not only do they have this lost sense of peace, but now they are moving to this point where their mental health is at risk,” West said. “They are not able to sleep, not able to focus, and in extreme cases not able to hold a job.”

For those interested the Hough Ear Institute is hosting the first ever Tinnitus support group in the state on January 15th. 

“The real design of the group is to allow people who are living with tinnitus to provide anecdotal support and care for eachother,” West said.

To take care of your hearing you can get a decibel app, some of which are free. It is also suggested that you wear ear plugs in loud environments.


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