Wednesday, November 27th 2024, 9:42 pm
The holiday season means more parties and gatherings, which can be difficult for people trying to overcome alcohol addiction.
Businesses like Holé Molé are keeping in mind those who don't drink because the general manager says it's personal for her.
From bartending to business strategizing, Mandy Lauck does it all as the general manager of Holé Molé. She says she does her job well because she stopped letting alcohol consume her life.
"It's absolutely still a struggle daily. I have moments where I'm like, 'Man, I could use a drink,' but I also know healthier ways to cope with my emotions," she said.
Lauck says staying sober inspires her to create non-alcoholic options for guests.
"We are definitely seeing more people not drink. When they find out we've got non-alcoholic options, it's usually, 'Oh my gosh, let me try that' instead of 'Oh, I'll just have water,'" she said.
Kristy DeBoer says cutting alcohol out of her life four years ago has made her a better person.
"The benefits are too great, and I just feel so good, I look good, and there's no way I'd ever drink again," she said.
DeBoer also says she lost 30 pounds, became a marathoner, and started her personal styling business. She shares her journey on social media.
"I think it's very taboo, and I think that it needs to be an easier conversation—talk about what you're putting in your body and the effects that it has on your mental health and your physical health," DeBoer said.
Both DeBoer and Lauck hope to be good role models for their children and anyone else who may be curious about sobriety.
"I'm just excited to see the sober movement growing and not just being a trend. I think people are being a lot more health-conscious and maybe setting better examples," Lauck said.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has a free, confidential, 24/7 hotline in English and Spanish. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, call 800-622-HELP.
November 27th, 2024
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