Police looking for suspect(s) in the weekend shooting death of a Tulsa teen

Tulsa Police still have few clues into the weekend drive by shooting death of a 16 year old Tulsa girl. <br/><br/>Eli Rue Craven was shot in the neck early Saturday morning. Craven was riding with a

Monday, February 14th 2005, 5:06 am

By: News On 6

Tulsa Police still have few clues into the weekend drive by shooting death of a 16 year old Tulsa girl.

Eli Rue Craven was shot in the neck early Saturday morning. Craven was riding with a 16-year-old boy when someone shot at their car from another vehicle, a blue, four-door Chevy, possibly a Malibu.

The unidentified boy was grazed in the leg. He told police he believed he and Craven were followed when they left a north Tulsa restaurant near 46th Street North and Kenosha.

Police are looking for a blue, four-door late model Chevy Malibu with tinted windows.

If you know anything about the shooting, call Crimestoppers at 596-COPS. You can remain anonymous.

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