Wednesday, December 16th 2020, 9:19 pm
As the vaccine is being administered across the state this week, two Oklahomans shared their experience as part of the clinical trials for Pfizer and Moderna.
John Little and Lauren Murphey said they are honored to be part of the historic research.
They said they had some mild side effects, but they are optimistic about the future of the vaccines. John Little said he is excited to be a part of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trial.
"It's really wonderful now to see a lot of healthcare professionals getting vaccinated themselves and preparing to give the vaccine to others,” said Little. “It seems like the whole healthcare community is really united in this fight against COVID-19."
Little said after his first dose in September, he had a headache, soreness and redness on his arm for about two days. Then, after his second dose three weeks later, his symptoms were fatigue and chills for two days.
Lauren Murphey said she had similar reactions with the Moderna vaccine trial after her first and second doses in August.
The Owasso native said she will find out this week whether she was injected with the placebo or actual vaccine, but she thinks she got the real deal.
"I did do my own independent antibody test just a couple weeks ago, and that was positive,” said Murphey. “So, between that and just the symptoms that I had and then my background knowledge as a pharmacist."
Murphey and Little are both pharmacists working in Oklahoma City and said they hope their experiences can enlighten others across the state.
"The biggest thing I would say is just if you have questions, to go to the doctor or a pharmacist that you know and you trust," said Murphey.
Little and Murphey said they will continue to have their blood drawn over the next year to determine the impact of the vaccine and how long the antibodies last.
December 16th, 2020
March 8th, 2023
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December 14th, 2024