Wednesday, June 18th 2014, 6:32 pm
Trailer and ATV thefts are a constant problem around Tulsa. Recently, thieves got a two-for-one deal when they stole a racing trailer with a four-wheeler inside.
In addition to the trailer and four-wheeler, the thieves also got thousands of dollars in tool and car parts, and that's what the owner wants back the most.
Randy Cody raced 360 sprint cars at Tulsa Speedway in the 90s but got out of racing when his kids got older and busy with sports. His brother and he recently picked up the hobby again and are racing mini-sprints at Port City Raceway in Catoosa.
Helmets, spare parts, a 20-gallon air compressor, tool chests filled with tools and a 500 CC Honda four-wheeler were all inside Cody's black eight and a half foot by 20 foot Cargo Craft dragster edition racing trailer.
"It literally made me sick at my stomach," Cody said.
Thieves took the trailer on Friday the 13th in broad daylight. Cody said he keeps the trailer backed in to his drive-way on a busy corner in Midtown. Cody said it was double locked, but he found both locks broken in pieces in his driveway.
"It's pretty upsetting, when you work, it's just a hobby, but still, you work hard for all your equipment and tools and everything to have somebody just come in here and take it," Cody said.
His wife posted a sign in their yard asking anyone who saw or heard anything to let them know. They've also posted it online and shared with other racers and stores in case anyone tries to sell Randy's stuff.
He's hoping the thieves have the trailer stored somewhere, waiting until things cool down before they start trying to parcel it off.
"The four-wheeler, the tools, they can probably sell, but the racing parts, they won't even know what those are, most are Factor One parts," Cody said.
He doesn't have any identifiers on the trailer, although it does say "Rubbing is Racing" down low on the side.
Police want people to know trailers and ATVs are hot ticket items for thieves and it might be worth investing in some type of GPS tracking system.
If anyone knows where Randy's trailer or items are, call Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS.
June 18th, 2014
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