Halloween Predictions From Psychic/Astrologer Terry Nazon

Spooked by Halloween ghosts, goblins and malevolent spirits? Psychic / Astrologer Terry Nazon takes the fright out of haunting spirits, scary superstitions, and bumps in the night! Terry's website,

Friday, October 27th 2000, 12:00 am

By: News On 6

Spooked by Halloween ghosts, goblins and malevolent spirits? Psychic / Astrologer Terry Nazon takes the fright out of haunting spirits, scary superstitions, and bumps in the night! Terry's website, http://www.terrynazon.com, has become a very popular site for online web cam readings and e-mail readings.

"The spirit world is for the most part like you and I," says Terry. "They can be good, and helpful or they can be tricky and wicked. How do you know if you are haunted? Light bulbs flickering, excessive electrical problems, bad dreams, and some mechanical problems can all indicate spiritual interference or a haunting.

"Halloween is traditionally the day given over to the spirit world. According to ancient folklore, the spirits are allowed to roam and are given more power on this day. In an effort to protect ourselves, we have developed certain ancient rituals to curtail their influence over us. Dressing in costumes to disguise ourselves is one such ritual. The scary looking pumpkin head wards off any ghostly intrusions to our homes. The colorful corn popular during this season, according to the American Indians, brings good luck and good fortune."

Here are some current predictions from Terry Nazon's website, http://www.terrynazon.com:

-Who will win the Presidency? Al Gore in his bid for the US Presidency will pull out all the punches...he's been saving his energy for the final days...he will run a very mean final race. For sheer energy I believe Al Gore will be elected president of the United States. -
Hugh Hefner should watch his health more carefully. Halloween could trigger a crisis regarding his heart. I see a problem possible resulting in surgery.

-Mick Jagger may have another Love scandal on the horizon, that could include yet another love child.

-Sylvester Stallone: May meet a new love through a movie project he works on in 2001. It could lead to a divorce between him and his current wife.

So, what's in store for us non-celebrities? According to Terry, "In general, those people who are more sensitive than others will find their dream life becoming very active. Vivid, prophetic experiences are ahead for all those cosmically attuned.

"The end of the year is going to be exciting, as we are all going to love the new technology ahead, and the hustle and bustle of the coming holiday season! Happy Halloween!"

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