Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 5:40 pm
Wednesday is the last day of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and a young girl is using social media to share her journey.
She said a lot of people stare at her bald head or they’re too afraid to ask what it’s like to have cancer. She said that sharing her story makes her feel like people care.
Meeting Faith Cowherd feels like sitting in the eye of a hurricane. The world around this 11-year-old might be chaotic but Faith is joy. She is strength. She is courage.
"It is harder than it seems. Sometimes I really don't feel good,” Faith said. “But I still am like, 'Okay, I will smile, and I will be happy because I really don't have to be down.’”
In July, Faith finished her treatment for Ewing Sarcoma, a very rare and aggressive form of childhood cancer.
"She had an induction phase of chemo. Then she went to Memphis- St Jude and had radiation, it has all been tough but the radiation towards the end gets pretty painful,” Faith’s mom Mindy Cowherd said. “She finished the consolidation phase of chemo here in Tulsa and she finished every single round of chemotherapy.”
She had just turned 10 years old when she was diagnosed, and her mom never left her side.
"If you don't eat, I don't eat. If you go into MRI, I am right there with you. You hold your breath for 40 seconds over and over and over, I am doing it too,” Mindy said. “I can't take it away, but I can fight right alongside of you.”
Faith is adjusting to life outside of the hospital again. She has scans to check on her tumor every three months, she is playing and having fun and her hair is starting to grow back.
This journey has been overwhelming at times, but Faith found a way to laugh through it and share her story on TikTok.
“Because I can dance and I can be happy on it," said Faith, “People on TikTok, I think they care. They are actually asking questions. People never really ask me any questions."
Faith doesn't want people to be afraid to talk to her, she wants people to be aware of her fight - conscious of her journey, supportive of her future.
"You can handle what life throws at you. Look at Faith," said Mindy.
Previous Story: Community Gives Birthday Surprise To Claremore 11-Year-Old With Inoperable Tumor
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