Thursday, April 26th 2018, 2:17 pm
Broken Arrow police have arrested a man who barricaded himself in a house for several hours Thursday.
The entire area near Elm and Detroit was blocked off for several hours as police worked to get Joey Brashears out of the house.
Around 2:30 p.m. police used tear gas which was not successful in ousting Brashears.
At one point, the house caught fire while he was still inside. Crews worked for over an hour to put the fire out and arrest Brashears.
Police said he was awake and talking and was taken to the hospital for smoke inhalation.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation.
Neighbors said they are surprised to see something like this happen in their community.
"This is an outlier, it's an anomaly, it's something we don't expect to see in our neighborhood," said Roy Johnson.
Johnson said he's still shocked after watching police officers surround his neighbor's home.
"I actually came home for lunch and then I had to run out to take care of a couple of customers and by the time I came back they already had the street blocked off," Johnson said.
Police came to the home after a getting a 911 call around 10:30 Thursday morning.
Officers said they could only hear yelling in the background before the phone hung up.
When officers arrived, they heard a woman yell from inside.
"The female came outside of the house and looked to have been involved in some sort of physical altercation. Officers were told by that female that she had been kidnapped," said Broken Arrow Police Officer James Koch.
"Due to the nature of the circumstances the special Operations Team has been activated for safety reasons," Koch said.
Neighbors said while they don't know what led up to everything, they hope Brashears and the woman both get the help they need.
"Ultimately if the police are here and they have the situation under control then we have nothing to be worried about," said Johnson.
Police said the victim is in a relationship with the suspect. She was taken to the hospital to be treated for her injuries.
Brashears was later booked into jail on complaints of kidnapping, aggravated domestic assault and battery, interfering with an emergency call, and resisting arrest.
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