Thursday, August 24th 2017, 9:47 pm
Rogers County deputies are investigating a shooting plot at Sequoyah Public Schools.
Investigators say this involves three eighth-grade students.
The Rogers County Sheriff's Office says they were made aware of this plot earlier today at Sequoyah Public Schools.
Sheriff Scott Walton says three eighth grade boys had devised a plot to carry out a school shooting.
The Sheriff's Office says it had gotten to the point of the boys making plans for one to get a gun, one to get a bow, and to get on top of the school.
He says the boys were upset because at least one of them had been sent to detention.
Walton says those kids were brought in for questioning with their parents.
The Office of Juvenile Affairs was contacted and the decision was made to release the students to their parents with a promise to appear for an intake when that is required.
He says there was great cooperation between the parents and the school and that this is a very difficult situation.
"It's a concern of all of ours and we certainly wanna make sure we've done everything humanly possible to make sure that's handled." Said Walton.
Walton says it's always important for parents to monitor what their kids are exposed to.
Tomorrow the Office of Juvenile Affairs will decide what the next step is.
August 24th, 2017
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