Saturday, April 22nd 2017, 7:26 pm
Prescription opioid abuse is an epidemic that kills thousands every year. However, Oklahoma is one state that has succeeded in seeing opioid-related deaths decrease.
The Oklahoma medical association wrapped up its conference Saturday afternoon.
Doctors came together to discuss ways of taking what Oklahoma has done by way of decreasing opioid deaths, and statistics show that 70 percent of the opioid abusers said they got the drugs from a relative or someone they know.
Oklahoma is leading the way through its prescription monitoring program. It's a data base that keeps track of the amount of opioid prescriptions given out.
It helps minimize the chances of "doctor shopping,” going to a wide variety of doctors to get more pills.
This conference is one way doctors are coming together to educate themselves on the problem but also a chance for them to discuss ways to better get out the message to their patienrs of just how dangerous opioid abuse can be.
"This epidemic knows no bounds,” said Dr. Patrice Harris of American Medical Association. “No demographic bounds, we know it has effected families of all races, of all ethnicities and certainly across the strata of socioeconomic status."
Experts say proper disposal of unused medication will further limit the number of deaths.
Disposal Sites
*7st and Sheridan - Reasor’s parking lot
7114 S. Sheridan Rod
*41st and Yale - Reasor’s parking lot
4909 e 41st St
*21st and 129 - MET Recycling Center Parking lot
12466 E 21st
Unwanted Perscription Police Dropoff Sites
*Tulsa Police Gilcrease Division
3436 N Delaware Ave
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday - Friday
*Tulsa Police Mingo Valley Division
10122 E. 11th Street
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday
.*Tulsa Police Riverside Division
7515 S. Riverside Drive
8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday
*Tulsa County Sheriff
303 W. 1st Street
8 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Monday - Friday
April 22nd, 2017
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