Saturday, March 19th 2011, 10:32 pm
Laura Moss, News On 6
TULSA, Oklahoma -- When it comes to picking which teams will move forward, everyone has their own system.
We talked to some women to find out how they choose the winners.
"I think you can put too much thought into it, you over analyze and where does it get you because there are upsets everywhere you go," said Kansas fan Holly Rausch.
Ladies we spoke to around town tell us they have unique ways to fill in the slots
TU student Sarah Biden says she chooses her teams "all by the mascots."
While Missouri Fan Melinda Schnyder said, "I took about 5 minutes and went just based on gut reaction."
But some say they take it more seriously.
"Part of it is based on gut. I try to pick some underdog winners as well, but I do watch ESPN and try to get some picks from the pros as well," said Tulsa resident Megan Moore.
"I actually follow the teams, some of them so I actually try to do it from based on what I know... I didn't do very well," said Kansas resident Ann Ermey.
Brackatology gurus say when it comes to picking teams it really is anyone's game.
While Sarah picked her bracket entirely based on mascots, her friend John puts a little more thought into it.
So, who's winning?
"It's actually doing pretty good I'm tied with him," Sarah said.
"No I researched, I knew the teams, looked at the players all that stuff," John said.
So how does that make him feel?
"Not too good, my mom is beating me as well. So... not so great!" He said.
Maybe these ladies have the right idea after all
March 19th, 2011
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