Thursday, October 21st 2010, 5:00 pm
MUSKOGEE, Oklahoma -- Oklahoma Representative Dan Boren is clearing up confusion about legislation he sponsored to study gun microstamping.
Microstamping involves etching information onto a gun's firing pin so that it imprints that information onto each cartridge, allowing the cartridge to be traced back to the gun that fired it.
10/19/2010: Related story: Gun Stamp Bill Has Oklahoma Gun Owners Up In Arms
Supporters say microstamping could help officers track down criminals. But Representative Boren and the National Rifle Association oppose microstamping. They're pushing the study to prove it's flawed technology and way too costly.
"I just didn't want any confusion out there because, again this is an anti-microstamping bill, a pro gun bill supported by gun groups across the United States."
Boren, who is Oklahoma's lone Democrat in Congress, is a strong second amendment supporter and serves on the board of directors for the N.R.A. He said he and the NRA strongly oppose microstamping because it doesn't work, would waste precious tax dollars and would infringe on Americans' second amendment rights.
Boren said the bill only calls for a study of microstamping, so that pro-gun groups will have scientific evidence to back up their argument that micro-stamping would be a failure.
October 21st, 2010
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