Tuesday, August 26th 2008, 1:43 pm
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The state health department is still trying to figure out what caused more than 50 people to become sick with what's being called a severe diarrheal illness. News On 6 anchor Terry Hood reports four children are still in intensive care at Saint Francis Hospital.
Health investigators have stopped short of calling it E. coli, but say the symptoms point that direction.
Thirteen children are being treated at the Children's Hospital at Saint Francis, four are in intensive care.
"Right now everybody is stable but they are critically ill, some on life support, some breathing on their own," said Dr. William Banner.
The state health department says a large number of people who became sick, at least 50 cases so far, ate at the Country Cottage in Locust Grove.
Only one person has died, 26-year old Chad Ingle.
The restaurant voluntarily stayed closed today while investigators continue to look for the source.
Dr. Banner says every victim suffered from severe diarrhea but it's the children who face a greater danger.
"There's a poison that certain bacteria release that causes the body to shut down the kidneys," said Dr. Banner.
Technically it's called Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. In layman's terms, its kidney failure and it only affects children.
"Patients that go into kidney failure require intensive support to remove the poisons that your kidneys usually do," said Dr. Banner.
HUS is caused when blood clots form in the kidneys. Dr. Banner says the worry is if clots begin to form in the heart or brain.
Kidney failure is treatable through dialysis and Dr. Banner says it could take as long as four weeks before the children regain full use of their kidneys. The problem is a dialysis machine is tough for children to handle.
"Keeping a child on dialysis therapy for two or three weeks is a real challenge, they can get other infections, it's very difficult for them, a lot of them have to be sedated," said Dr. Banner.
The state health department says the only place under investigation is the Country Cottage in Locust Grove. A spokesman say the department has the authority to shut down a restaurant if necessary, but that order has not been given so far in this case.
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