You may have noticed gas prices are up again. The average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline is $2.75, but some drivers are saving big bucks thanks to a new fuel that's becoming more common. News
Wednesday, October 31st 2007, 4:20 pm
By: News On 6
You may have noticed gas prices are up again. The average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline is $2.75, but some drivers are saving big bucks thanks to a new fuel that's becoming more common. News On 6 anchor Craig Day reports some motorists in Adair are running on E-85. At the Woodshed Store in Adair, you'll find the usual things you can get at a convenience store, cold drinks, hot food, snacks and fuel. But you'll also discover something you won't find in very many places, it's called E-85.
"A lot of the new vehicles now are able to burn E-85," store owner Rick Wood said.
The E-85 fuel is 85% ethanol, which is made primarily from corn, and 15% gasoline. Rick Wood's store is one of only a handful of places in Eastern Oklahoma where people can buy E-85.
"They've come up with hydrogen powered cars, energy cell cars, but right now the thing that is really out there is E-85 or ethanol," said Wood.
E-85 is cleaner burning and much less expensive than a normal gallon of gas, 30 to 50 cents a gallon cheaper. Wood says drivers who use E-85 will sacrifice miles to the gallon, about 12%, but he says that is offset by significant savings at the pump. Wood topped off his truck with the fuel, saving about $10. Besides the savings, it can also send a message about limiting reliance on foreign oil.
"I mean the price of oil has went from $40 a barrel to over $90 a barrel in just a year-and-a-half and I don't think we want anybody to have that kind of control on us," Woodshed Store owner Rick Wood said.
Since opening a couple of months ago, the store has seen steady growth in sales, and hopes to eventually sell 500 gallons a day once word of E-85 spreads.
"You'll start seeing use go up and our oil consumption will go down," said Wood.
Many newer model cars, mostly those made in the last few years, are designed to use E-85 fuel as well as regular gas, but many foreign models are not designed to use E-85. It's best to check your car manual or call the manufacturer to make sure.