Tuesday, March 21st 2000, 12:00 am
Make a collage from your sticker collection
Ask directions
Treat Mom or Dad to a soda or ice cream
Give a compliment
Find out why bees buzz
Make a house of cards
Make your own tickets for a home performance
Dangle upside-down
Collect fancy shopping bags
Find out why your eyes close when you sneeze
Write down a recipe for trouble
Draw pictures of Martians
Swing high on a swing set
Use milk cartons to make pint-sized creatures
Buy a lottery ticket for Mom or Dad
Find out why one side of aluminum foil is shiny and the other is dull
Work on a rubber band ball
Have a backward spelling bee
Carry things in a wagon
Wear pajamas all day
Collect gum wrappers
Play with pull toys
Talk to your pet(s)
Take apart an old Etch-a-Sketch to see how it works
Pretend you are ruler of the world
Read about the Eskimos
Recite three tongue twisters
Leave flowers on the doorstep of a neighbor
Plan an aquarium: what you'll need and the money
Look up a number in the phone book rather than call directory assistance
Read about submarines
Play with your brother or sister's toys
Find your tragus
Organize your baseball cards
Invent a new flavor of lollipop
List your 10 favorite fast-food items
Find out why Q and Z are missing from the telephone keypad
Make Silly Putty pictures
Read Good Night, Moon
Eat an Oreo, filling first
Take a chance
Make noodle jewelry and button rings
Make cards to hold up in a cheering section
Donate a week's allowance to charity
Memorize the moons of every planet
Plan tin can bowling
E-mail the president
Watch a bird build its nest
Do Slinky runs down the stairs
March 21st, 2000
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
December 11th, 2024
December 11th, 2024
December 11th, 2024