Wednesday, July 18th 2018, 1:16 pm
An Owasso woman was skeptical when her 4-year-old son ran into her room Wednesday morning shrieking and crying, "There's a snake under my bed!"
The woman, whose name we're not sharing because her husband is deployed in the military, says she didn't believe her son because she thought her house was "critter-proof."
"I show him with a flashlight that it's not a snake, it's the lamp cord. Then I saw it slithering out from under the bed," she said. "I could tell it was harmless, but harmless is a relative term."
"After putting on gloves (because I'm a girl) and grabbing a plastic sack, I had full intentions of bravely scooping it into the bag and releasing it into the wild, but that thing was quick! I had an opportunity at one point to grab it, but I chickened out," she said.
She called a neighbor who sent her husband over to help.
"He had one of those stick things with claws and grabbed it and threw it out in the field. I'm pretty sure he rolled his eyes at me the whole time," the woman said.
She said this happened just days after a giant wolf spider covered with babies on her back showed up on the doorstep. She said she's calling the pest control company back out "because this is a little out of control."
The snake was a non-venomous garter snake.
"I know this thing is little and harmless, but it still freaks me out!" she said. "This is totally Murphy's Law of Deployment."
July 18th, 2018
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