Sunday, March 13th 2016, 10:12 am
How does losing an hour of sleep really affect the upcoming work week? "Springing forward" with the time change does more than just make you feel groggy those first couple of days.
And coffee can only do so much! Here's what we know when you change your clocks and lose an hour.
It disrupts your sleep cycle, which leads to a loss in productivity and mood swings.
A recent study found the transition could also be linked to stroke and heart attack.
Lack of sleep can also mess with your hormones, making it harder to stick to your diet. Finally, more car wrecks and workplace injuries are reported the Monday after the time change.
Experts say, even if you're tired, avoid taking a nap Sunday afternoon so you can get back on a regular sleep schedule as soon as possible.
Oklahoma lawmakers have a bill going through the state house this session to secede from the rest of the country in the practice of Daylight Saving Time.
While we follow it, however, don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke detector!
March 13th, 2016
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December 14th, 2024
December 14th, 2024