Monday, March 12th 2012, 5:31 am
Sunny and warm conditions will persist today with highs near 80. South to southwest winds from 10 to 20 mph will be common. A few thunderstorms will be possible later this week as several weak upper level impulses pass the area.
Welcome to Monday. We're in good shape regarding the weather today and tomorrow but the pattern will become somewhat active late this week.
The weekend rain resulted in some multi inch rains for some of our neighbors to the south while most of the Tulsa metro received about an inch of rain. Temperatures remained cool Sunday with highs topping out in the 50s but we'll rebound nicely today with afternoon readings moving to near 80.
The main forecast challenges resolve on thunderstorm chances for the late part of the week. The upper air flow will be from the southwest and a few imbedded upper level impulses will be close enough to trigger a few storms. The atmosphere will support severe parameters later this week but the coverage of thunderstorm activity will remain small.
It appears the Wednesday period will feature at least a slight chance for an isolated storm or two, but model data supports a slightly better shot Thursday morning across the Southern Kansas and Northeastern OK state line. We've taken the Thursday pop from 20 to 30, but a lot of folks will still miss out on these late week pops.
Early next week a very strong upper level system will approach the state by Monday or Tuesday. The pattern in the model data would support the possibility of a severe weather event sometime early next week. We'll keep you posted as we draw closer to the time period.
March 12th, 2012
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
December 12th, 2024
December 12th, 2024
December 12th, 2024