Wednesday, May 4th 2011, 9:52 pm
Lacie Lowry, News On 6
SAND SPRINGS, Oklahoma -- President Barack Obama says releasing photos of Osama bin Laden's body could pose a national security risk to the United States. He says he can only assure Americans that Bin Laden will never walk this earth again.
5/4/2011 Related Story: White House Won't Release Bin Laden Death Photos
For some, that's enough to calm suspicion. Others say they can't take the President on his word alone.
"It doesn't have to be released to prove that he's dead, we should be able to take their word for it that that's what happened," Elizabeth Morrison, a Sand Springs resident, said.
Elizabeth Morrison trusts President Obama's word.
Rachael Slankard doubts it.
"It's a little suspicious," Slankard, a Sand Springs resident, said. "I feel like if he may really be dead, then they would show the pictures. They didn't have a problem showing Saddam Hussein, so I don't understand it at all."
Steve Hudson likens this to the JFK conspiracy, saying if there's some truth that needs to be loaned to the American public, then the government should release photos of a dead Osama bin Laden.
"They should show it. If there's proof that he's been killed, why would you hold that back?" he said.
President Obama defends his choice not to disclose the pictures by saying the very graphic photos could incite additional violence.
Ella Mullins agrees.
"I think it would just start more trouble with those people over there and I just don't think it would be right," said.
Jeanie Carpenter says DNA testing is proof enough for her, but she has an exception.
"Maybe for some of the victims, maybe that might help them and if that helps them with closure, I'm fine with that. But for me myself, I don't need to see them," Carpenter said.
Hudson, a teacher, says the photo could help heal their old wounds and those of the entire nation.
"This was a bad person who did a terrible thing to not just American people. There were other countries represented in the Twin Towers, so there needs to be no question that we got the right guy and Osama bin Laden is definitely dead and gone," he said.
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