Sunday, March 20th 2011, 11:07 pm
Dan Bewley, News On 6
TULSA, Oklahoma -- A Tulsa family is hoping the coalition's efforts in Libya bring about a change in leadership.
"There's a heavy price you have to pay for freedom, and the people themselves are willing to give it," said Iman El-Maghribi, Tulsa resident.
Iman and her daughter, Sabiel, are keeping a close eye on the news out of Libya.
U.S. and British forces launched 112 Tomahawk cruise missiles on Saturday during the first phase of the attack.
"I am very happy that NATO is there," Iman said.
Iman was born in the United States but her husband, Abdullah, was from Libya. He passed away last summer, but now his wife and daughter have taken up his cause in the fight to remove Muammar Gadhafi from power.
"He would be anxious and really overwhelmed and probably really happy that they were finally speaking out," Sabiel said.
The El-Maghribi's said Gadhafi's grip on the media in Libya makes it difficult to know what's really happening in the country, but both said the U.N. Security Council's resolution and U.S. military force in Libya is necessary.
"We have a military, each of us in our own countries for a reason, so let it be for a good reason for a change. Let them go in and help these people," Iman said.
Admiral Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, said Sunday the air strikes have been effective but that it's difficult to know what will happen to Gadhafi.
The El-Maghribi's, however, are much more confident. They said the Libyan people want him gone and will stop at nothing to see it happen.
"The people of Libya are not going to stop until he's out. I don't know how long it'll take. Only God knows, but that's the end result," Iman said.
March 20th, 2011
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