Tuesday, December 28th 2010, 7:39 am
TULSA, Oklahoma -- A Tulsa man is behind bars after he was caught by the owner inside a Tulsa liquor store early Tuesday morning.
Tulsa Police say 39-year-old Jason Andrews is in custody, accused of breaking into the Harvard Liquor Store at 1113 South Harvard.
The owner of the store, Robert Cooper, saw Andrews in the store on a security camera video.
"I was like, is there somebody in the store?" Robert said.
Robert lives just seconds away, so he called police and raced to the store. Just as he got there, the thief was crawling out the broken door, carrying the stolen change and some liquor.
"He looks up and says, this was a bad idea," Robert said.
Robert latched onto the guy and after a brief tussle, Robert got the upper hand.
"When I took him down, his arms were wrapped up, so his face at pavement," he said.
Robert held the Andrews until police got there, then they arrested him.
Earlier in the day, Andrews had been in court pleading guilty to DUI. His record shows convictions for assault, burglary, breaking and entering and stealing cars.
Robert says he didn't have a plan, he just acted on instinct.
"The adrenalin was pumping. Luckily, he didn't have a weapon and had lost his hammer," Robert said.
Robert is thankful no additional damage was done.
The guy was stealing around $80 worth of merchandise. Paying to replace the broken glass will cost a thousand, and Robert is glad he did what he did.
"Been asked if I'd do it again, yea, it's my stuff. Whether it's smart or not, it's my stuff."
Robert plans to add even more cameras to the store after the first of the year. He says he appreciates how fast the Tulsa officers got there.
Andrews was booked into the Tulsa County jail on a complaint of second degree burglary.
December 28th, 2010
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