Friday, November 19th 2010, 3:18 pm
TULSA, Oklahoma -- The Tulsey Awards, which recognize and celebrate entrepreneurs in the Tulsa Metro region, awarded Money Saving Queen Sarah Roe with a Tulsey Award in the Interactive Category on Thursday evening.
The Tulsey Awards are a public contest where people can submit nominations online. The online voting took place from October 13 through November 3 in 11 categories.
Roe was honored in the Interactive Category, which recognizes an entrepreneur involved in designing, building, managing, maintaining, marketing, promoting websites, interactive advertising and games, online film and video, and mobile content for business, consumer or general audiences.
Roe's work in interactive media helping busy families get the most for their money can be seen on
"I'm just a mom who loves to coupon and save money," Roe said. "I'm amazed every day at the success of this website and how great it feels to be able to help others save money for their families and give back to their communities."
Other winners:
Members of the Tulsa business community announced the winners for the 3rd Annual Tulsey Awards, held at Cain's Ballroom Thursday. The 2010 Tulsey Entrepreneur of the Year went to Rusty Rowe with Mod's Coffee and Crepes. This year's Above and Beyond Winner was Dean VanTrease with the Economic Development Commission.
The category winners for the 2010 Tulseys were:
This marked the third year for the local awards. More than 21,000 votes were cast this year, the most ever.
More about Sarah Roe: Sarah Roe is a wife and mother of two boys. She began seriously couponing when her oldest son was diagnosed with life-threatening food allergies five years ago. A trip to the library and a book on couponing changed her life, as she mastered the technique and quickly learned how to cut her grocery bill by up to 80 percent. She now shares those tips and techniques across the state in workshops throughout Oklahoma, and across the world on
November 19th, 2010
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