Wednesday, November 10th 2010, 2:07 pm
Emory Bryan, News on 6
TULSA, Oklahoma -- A Tulsa manufacturing company that opened in July plans to hire 100 employees over the next five years.
Avery Barron Industries fabricates metal parts, primarily for the oil industry, but for a variety of other purposes as well.
11/9/2010 Related Story: Tulsa Company To Announce Expansion, New Jobs
ABI CEO Bruce Barron said the company is hiring machinists and welders with pay averaging $17 an hour.
"We thought it was a great time to do it," Bruce Barron, ABI CEO, said. "I think a lot of people thought it was a crazy time to do it, and I characterize it as either crazy or brilliant. We want to think it was brilliant and only time will tell if it was, but so far we're ahead of our expectations."
Bobby Wadsworth worked in metal fabrication for 22 years before he was laid off last year by a company that closed down. Now, he's back at work.
"These guys have given not only me, but other guys around the community an opportunity and we're blessed," Wadsworth said.
The people who keep up with hiring in Tulsa say there are positive signs.
"We have begun to see for several months the fact that it looks like businesses are getting ready to turn loose of some cash, make some investments and hire some new employees," said Mike Neal, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.
According to the Department of Commerce, it's not just Tulsa.
"We've seen an absolute upturn in business hiring and people expanding their businesses or even just making the initial contact to find out what resources are out there to help them, so we know they're planning for the future," said Lisa Clark, Oklahoma Department of Commerce.
ABI has qualified for incentives from the State of Oklahoma Quality Jobs Act, which returns 5% of payroll to companies that hire new employees with above average pay.
Avery Barron Industries is located at 2102 West Skelly Drive.
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