Friday, January 18th 2008, 9:46 am
I'm so glad 2008 has started quietly on the crime front. It seems nearly every day in 2007; we were bombarded with murders, robberies and attacks. I know we will have plenty of crime as the year progresses, but, at least we've haven't had a murder so far this year in Tulsa.
Last year, the very first day of the New Year, we had a man kill his own mother with a machete. It's a terrible way for that family and for the city to start.
I realize crime is a fact of life, but, it can wear on people. It wears on me sometimes, covering the stories every day. It is certainly hard for the people going through it, but, it's also tough on all citizens.
Nobody wants to live in fear, nobody wants to have to think about terrible things all the time. It's exhausting and feels live overload.
People ask me how I avoid letting the crime beat get me down. I have lots of ways. I have a husband who makes me laugh like crazy every night. I talk to my five nieces and nephews often. There's nothing like a kid's perspective and innocence to remind you there is good in the world. For instance, my eight year old nephew (who lives on a farm) recently demonstrated how to check a cow for pregnancy for his turn at classroom show and tell. Just imagining his teacher's face, cracked me up. My six year old niece called me before Christmas to tell me she was in a play at school. She was playing a wise woman. I told her I thought they were wise men. She pointed out the school has a shortage of boys, so wise woman, it is.
I also find it comforting that although crime makes headlines and is a real part of life, the truth is, most of the crimes are committed by a very small percentage of the population. Police will tell you they arrest the same people over and over again, or arrest many members of the same family. That means a large percentage of the people are good, honest, hard-working, family focused and that's good, no matter what year it is.
January 18th, 2008
January 2nd, 2025
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
February 7th, 2025
February 7th, 2025
February 7th, 2025
February 7th, 2025