Thursday, June 22nd 2023, 5:26 pm
Clean-up continues in midtown Tulsa following the weekend storms. Power is back in some homes, but thousands are still in the dark for a fifth day.
The sounds of chainsaws chopping through mangled trees that once stood tall fills the air around midtown. That sound is music to the ears of people like Joyce Powell, who is without power for another day.
“During the hottest part of the day we go for a ride, we try to go somewhere to get AC,” said Powell.
It may feel like the Calvary is finally coming as utility trucks and linemen from all parts of the country are now working in neighborhoods near 21st and Yale. Powell is optimistic her power will be back on soon.
“Originally they said Saturday at 11,” she said. “Now they’re saying Friday at 11, so if they did it today, it would be awesome.”
Powell says she is appreciative of the crews working around the clock. Those crews are also catching the eyes of people like Carl Jordan, who has been in the dark for days after the storm.
“When it hit, it hit like a ton of bricks,” said Jordan.
Jordan has been doing whatever he can to keep him and his dog, DeDe, cool.
“Two nights ago it was probably the worst,” he said. “It was 84 degrees in the house.”
Jordan lives near the fairgrounds and is excited to finally see the line of trucks making their way to his street.
“I kind of get a little emotional,” he said. “You see these guys, you know they’re working hard for you, you give them a thumbs up, they wave at you.”
Neighbors say they know it is a process, but they are hopeful power can be restored as quickly as possible, especially because temperatures are expected to ramp up into the weekend.
June 22nd, 2023
August 17th, 2023
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024