Wednesday, April 4th 2018, 6:06 pm
Some middle and high school students joined the teachers Wednesday and are also calling for more education funding.
It was a packed crowd for the third straight day, and hundreds of students joined in to show support for their teachers.
Nearly a dozen teenagers spoke powerfully as thousands of supporters watched and listened.
Complete Coverage: School Shutdown
"I think our teachers are standing up, being really brave and fighting for us," said Edmond senior Gabrielle Davis.
The rally Davis’ brainchild. She said she noticed a lot of comments and antics distracting Oklahomans from the real issue, the lack of funding for public schools.
"I think it really just kind of enlightened me that maybe the movement is getting away from what it's about," she said.
Maddy Fresonke is a senior leaving for Cornell University in the fall. She said years-old repairs aren't being made at her high school because of budget cuts.
"A window fell out and was duct taped in and that window is still duct taped in, and I'm graduating in May, so that is unacceptable," she said.
Students warned legislators this is not an issue that will blow over. They said they want lawmakers to fear teenagers more than oil and gas companies.
"For our legislators, I want them to see exactly who they're impacting with their votes. And our teachers, I want them to see that we're with them," Davis said.
The teenagers also talked with legislators about the state's funding issues.
April 4th, 2018
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