Friday, June 16th 2017, 9:56 pm
The heat index was over 100 degrees today, reminding many of us of the hot months we have ahead.
And for many of those outside today, dealing with the heat is top priority
If you had to be outside today, you felt that blow-dryer effect.
Many of us stayed inside with the air conditioning on, but some had no choice but to be outside, so staying hydrated is key.
The heat is on, but still the soccer fields are packed.
"The older kids, they have a tendency to go really hard,"John Waldron says.
So, staying hydrated and safe requires a constant effort.
"Sometimes if it is hotter out you can't play your players as long, you got to mix it up a little bit," says Tommy Hubbard.
At the Mohawk Park sports complex workers have gone through 1,220 pounds 100 cases of water and 75 cases of geotriid.
"We're also increasing our water breaks as needed," John Waldron says.
And keeping a close eye on players from states that don't get such high temperatures.
"The states that don't have it, they are having a little more issue with it," Waldron says
Spectators hid under tents and umbrellas. Players used wet clothes to stay cool.
"I drink a bottle before a game and then make sure I get one at halftime, and then afterwards because if I don't I'll just feel terrible the rest of the day," says Dakota Stokes.
A winning ingredient these ladies credit with their undefeated record.
(Rathke2 55:48) Marty says… "Water is a key to that?" Reid Rathke says… "Of course, yes always, water helps everything."
But it's not just during the game they need to stay hydrated. Eating right at home can help people's bodies handle the heat.
"They need to be putting good stuff into their bodies," Hubbard says. "That way they can perform as high as they can."
June 16th, 2017
September 29th, 2024
September 17th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024
December 13th, 2024