Thursday, March 5th 2009, 5:13 pm
TULSA, OK -- Unemployment rates are climbing across the nation, and although green country has not been hit as hard as other areas, fear of not finding a job is widespread. But the classified section of has over 85-hundred jobs listed for Tulsa. is the best place to go when you're on the hunt for employment.
The reason is our website takes all of the job listings from every website on internet and puts them in an easy to use format.
Once you've logged on to, click on the "Classifieds" tab, and then click "Jobs."
Out of the more than 85-hundred jobs listed, over 24 hundred are full time and within 25 miles of Tulsa.
You're able to refine your search by job title, category, industry, or company. The greatest number of jobs available is in the healthcare and nursing category, followed by sales and business. But, the variety of available full-time jobs is surprising.
From big corporations, to a locally owned bookstore on Cherry Street help is wanted.
Barry Bilder owns "Peace of Mind" bookstore and says he's looking to fill two full-time positions, and has been flooded with applications. He says his business along with others on 15th Street have not been affected by the economic crisis. The two jobs available at "Peace of Mind" are a data entry position, and a massage therapist position.
"Right here just locally everything is totally going against the trends that we see in other parts of the country," said Bilder.
March 5th, 2009
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