Tuesday, February 14th 2023, 11:09 am
A Polish mother of seven has successfully given birth to premature quintuplets, hospital officials in southern Poland said Tuesday.
The two boys and three girls were born through cesarean section Sunday, in the pregnancy’s 28th week, at the University Hospital in Krakow.
Weighing between 710-1,400 grams (25-49 ounces,) they were all put in incubators and given breathing support, but doctors said they are all doing fine, given their premature birth.
The quintuplets’ mother, Dominika Clarke, 37, told a news conference in Krakow Tuesday that she was feeling “much better than I had expected.”
“If you have a system, a calm approach and a positive attitude, then it is possible to have a really cool life with such a large bunch of children,” Clarke said.
Clarke and her British husband’s other children are aged between 10 months and 12 years, and include two pairs of twins.
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