Tuesday, February 28th 2023, 5:06 pm
Tulsa Police arrest a man they say broke into a house by breaking a window, crawling inside, and ending up in a child’s bedroom with the child inside.
They say the suspect, Ty Copeland, then barricaded himself inside another bedroom and the child's father used a machete to fight off Copeland. Police say Copeland told them he was running from the police which is why he broke into the child’s bedroom but police say they weren't chasing him, he had been smoking meth.
When police got to the scene, the family was outside yelling and told police Copeland, was still inside.
"He was in there kind of destroying stuff, being aggressive and the father of the house was able to grab a machete at some point to protect himself in the family,” said Officer Danny Bean with Tulsa Police.
Police say the father hit Copeland at least once with the machete, then Copeland barricaded himself inside a room. Police say they told Copeland to come outside several times, but he refused, so they sent a K9 in after him.
"We gave him chances, multiple chances to come out with their hands up and no weapons. We do tell them there is a dog and we will release the dog inside or some in with the dog,” said Bean.
Police say nobody in the home was hurt and say this was completely random.
"This is the stuff kids are afraid of at night. Someone being in their rooms, under their beds, in their closets, someone coming through their window,” said Bean.
Records show Copeland has spent time in prison since 2010 for assault with a dangerous weapon, having stolen property and having a gun as a felon. Police say Copeland was on an ankle monitor when he was arrested.
February 28th, 2023
January 31st, 2025
January 27th, 2025
January 20th, 2025
February 11th, 2025
February 11th, 2025
February 11th, 2025