Nearly 70 New Moms Graduate From Tulsa Health Department Program

Nearly 70 women and their toddlers graduated from the Tulsa Health Department's new mom program on Friday.

Friday, May 24th 2024, 6:24 pm


Nearly 70 women and their toddlers graduated from the Tulsa Health Department's new mom program on Friday.

The program is called "Children First," and it aims to help low-income families adjust to their new lives.

The program offers women a nurse who will guide them from the time they find out they're pregnant, through the first two years of motherhood. That includes consistent visits to the mother's home, and help connecting them to any resources they may need.

From the day Dannie was born, to her first steps, and birthdays, her mom Brooke Ulibarri has been tracking the milestones.

"She's super silly, super funny. She loves to dance. She loves to sing. She's just extremely energetic,” Ulibarri said.

Friday’s graduation offered a moment to recognize the first two years of motherhood for nearly 70 Tulsa moms.

"Some of these moms have never been celebrated for something that they accomplished,” THD Nurse Program Manager Cathy Sullivan said.

"It's a rush of emotions. It's exciting. It's sad,” Ulibarri said.

Ulibarri said when she found out she was pregnant, she did not have anything she could call her own.

"I've went through addiction and things like that you know. Having my child truly changed my life for the better,” Ulibarri said. “She's just a blessing. Like she really, really turned my life around."

She said she also didn't have a support system in Tulsa. But the nurse assigned to her through the program would answer her calls at all hours of the day, and stood by her side as Brooke's life changed.

"I was able to get a job. Get a car. All that good stuff. Get my own place to live, be able to provide for my daughter and I. And my nurse was there the whole entire time, helping me along the way. Giving me all the resources, you know, like hey encouraging me, like you got this,” she said.

The program has been around for nearly 30 years, helping thousands of Tulsa moms.

"We've got you,” Sullivan said. “If you are a first-time mom, less than 29 weeks pregnant, living in Tulsa County, or the lower third of Osage County, and you are WIC or Medicaid eligible, give us a call."

Now, Brooke looks forward to all the milestones ahead.

"I have so many more things that I want to achieve. I want my daughter to achieve, and I'm just trying to be an example to her,” Ulibarri said.

Right now the Tulsa Health Department has three job openings for nurses interested in working for this program. For information on how to apply, click here.


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