Thursday, June 13th 2024, 10:11 pm
A string of burglaries near downtown could be connected.
Willamina at 12th and Lewis was burglarized early Wednesday, then Nothing's Left Brewery early Thursday. Those business owners have now been in contact with at least four others who have reported similar incidents around the same time.
"It's just so violating and really sad." said Paige Van Norman
Tulsa Police are working to collect all of the security footage to determine if these break-ins are connected.
"So he broke the window in our door and then there's nicks and stuff on our front register from where all the glass shattered. He stole several $1,000 worth of product and cash," said Van Norman.
Paige Van Norman owns Willamina at 12th and Lewis.
"It's scary and it's sad and we work hard to make the store beautiful and to bring in products that nobody else in town has. And so, when that's just taken from you again, it's just violating," said Van Norman. "We're posting on our social media platforms and hoping to just get as many eyes on this man's picture as possible and hopefully somebody will turn him in."
Lacy Richards is the co-owner of Nothing's Left Brewery, one of the other businesses burglarized.
"They smashed our front door and in 15 seconds he was only in the room for 15 seconds. Opened the cash drawer, saw that it was empty and then ran right back out," said Richards. "So, kind of a web is being formed and hopefully we can kind of string them all together with a lot of security footage."
If you know something about this crime, call Crime Stoppers at 918-596-COPS.
June 13th, 2024
February 21st, 2025
February 21st, 2025
February 17th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025
March 6th, 2025