Tuesday, December 5th 2023, 5:38 pm
Students in Pryor recently made dresses out of toilet paper and now they've taken their skills to the next level.
That new fashion challenge involved Christmas trees.
When you think of Christmas, Evergreen trees wrapped in tinsel and decorated with ornaments come to mind.
But students at Pryor High School are turning the trees from something you can look at, into something you can wear.
"This year our projects were about cultures around the world so we got to do a dress/Christmas tree and so ours was based on the Hawaiian culture," junior student Kylie Knight said.
Knight and two of her classmates combined their festive spirit and research around traditional Hawaiian Luau to create the look.
They enjoyed the process, even if it didn't go the way they planned.
"We painted the ornaments and they didn't exactly turn out the way we wanted to, and once we put them on the dress, it didn't tie it together the way we wanted it to, so we just kind of figured it out the way we went along," junior student Emily Ragsdale said.
Their classmates created other looks inspired by places like Austria, Japan, and India.
Kylie says she and the others learned a lot about fashion from around the globe and the centuries of tradition that inspire the looks.
"It makes us more culturally aware of other places," Knight said. "I think the research going into it was really interesting to see and make it into something that you can touch and look at in person."
The girls all came away with a new appreciation for fashion and their class.
"I didn't really like fashion until I started this, but taking it has really opened my eyes and how interesting it is and how much you learn from it," Ragsdale said.
December 5th, 2023
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